File GSTR-1 Directly from TallyPrime 5 into GST Portal

TallyPrime will help you file your GSTR-1 directly on the GST portal, using your preferred mode of filing, such as Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) or Electronic Verification Code (EVC).

Note :

For a seamless filing experience, ensure that you have resolved any uncertain transactions in GSTR-1 and uploaded your returns.

In this section

  • File GSTR-1 Using EVC
  • File GSTR-1 Using DSC
  • GSTR-1 Filed Summary – Downloaded
  • Resume or Restart GSTR-1 Filing
  • Resolve Mismatches During GSTR-1 Filing

1.    File GSTR-1 Using EVC (Electronic Verification Code)

Once you have resolved any uncertain transactions in GSTR-1 and uploaded your returns, you are all set to file your GSTR-1 using EVC.

1.   Press Alt+Z (Exchange) > File GSTR-1.

[72-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

In the File GSTR-1 screen, you can view and verify the details of your GSTR-1 summary.

[73-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

2.  Press S (Send) to start the filing process.

3.  Log in to your GST profile, if you have not already done so.

a.  Enter your GST Username.

[74-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

b.  Enter the OTP received on your registered mobile number and e-mail address, after which your vouchers will be exported to the GST portal.

[75-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]
Once you have logged in, the session will be valid for six hours, which will ensure the safety and security of your activities.

Once GSTR-1 filing is initiated, you can track the progress across different stages of filing.

[76-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

4.   Press C (Continue Filing), if the downloaded summary is matching the summary in your books.

If the summaries are not matching, then TallyPrime will help you in easily identifying and resolving the mismatches.

[77-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

5.   Press E (Electronic Verification Code) to select EVC as the Mode of Filing, if it is not already selected in company features.

[78-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

6.   Enter your PAN.

[79-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

7.   nter the EVC received on the registered mobile number of the Authorised Signatory.

[80-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

As GSTR-1 is being filed, you can easily track each step of the process.

[81-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

[82-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

Once GSTR-1 filing is successful, an ARN will be generated for your filing activity, which you can note for future reference.

For a clear picture of the details filed in this session, you can press V (View Summary).

[83-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

2.    GSTR-1 Filed Summary – Downloaded in TallyPrime 5

The GSTR-1 Filed Summary is a handy reference for all your filing activities. You can view a month-wise report of the filing that has been completed so far, along with the relevant details such as Application Reference Number (ARN) and ARN Date. You can also easily print or share this report with your required stakeholders.

The best part is that the GSTR-1 Filed Summary will assist you in the flow of GSTR-1 filing and also whenever you want to a take a look at your filing history.

1.   Press Alt+G (Go To) > GSTR-1 Filed Summary – Downloaded.

Alternatively, you can open GSTR-1 and press Ctrl+H (Change View) > GSTR-1 Filed Summary – Downloaded.

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[85-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

2.   Drill down from the month for which you want to view the filing activity.

[86-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

The GSTR-1 Filed Summary will give you a clear view of the registration and filing details as well as the details of the records (or vouchers) in each summary.

3.    Resume or Restart GSTR-1 Filing

Sometimes, there might be interruptions in your GSTR-1 filing due to issues in internet connectivity or in accessing your OTP. In all such cases, TallyPrime will help you in easily restarting your filing or in resuming it right where you were interrupted.

If you are resuming the filing, then you have to ensure that the uploaded vouchers or summaries are not modified in any way after the interruption. On the other hand, if you have made any important changes in your transactions or summaries, then it would be best to reupload your GSTR-1 and restart the filing process.

1.   Press Alt+G (Go To) > GSTR-1.

Alternatively, Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > GST Reports > GSTR-1

In GSTR-1, you can view the message at the top of the report: Filing is in progress for the selected GST Registration and Period.

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2.   Press Alt+Z(Exchange) > File GSTR-1.

[88-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

In the File GSTR-1 screen, you can view and verify the details of your GSTR-1 summary.

[89-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

3.   Press S (Send).

4.   Press C (Continue Filing) to resume the filing activity.

However, if you want to file GSTR-1 again from the beginning, then press T (Restart Filing).

[90-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

Once GSTR-1 filing is initiated, you can track the various stages of filing.

[91-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

5.   Press C (Continue Filing), if the downloaded summary is matching the summary in your books.

If the summaries are not matching, then TallyPrime will help you in easily identifying and resolving the mismatches.

[92-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

6.   Press E (Electronic Verification Code) to select EVC as the Mode of Filing, if it is not already selected in company features.

[93-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

7.   Enter your PAN.

[94-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

8.   Enter the EVC received on the registered mobile number of the Authorised Signatory.

[95-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

As GSTR-1 is being filed, you can easily track each step of the process.

[96-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]
Once GSTR-1 filing is successful, an ARN will be generated for your filing activity, which you can note for future reference.

[97-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

For a clear picture of the details filed in this session, you can press V (View Summary).

[98-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

4.    Resolve Mismatches During GSTR-1 Filing between the Transactions on the GST portal and in Books of TallyPrime 5

Sometimes there might be a mismatch between the transactions in your books and on the GST portal. This might happen when any changes are made in the books or on the portal after the vouchers have been uploaded.

However, TallyPrime will help you in easily identifying and resolving such mismatches during GSTR-1 filing.

1.   Press Alt+Z (Exchange) > File GSTR-1.

If there are any mismatches, then you can see the message at the top of the report: The downloaded summary is not matching the summary in your Books.

[99-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

2.   Press V (View Mismatch). The GSTR-1 Reconciliation report opens, where you can easily view the details in the same return period and GST Registration.

If you want to make the changes in your books later, then press C (Continue Filing with Mismatch).

[100-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

3.   Identify the mismatches in the transactions and make the necessary corrections.

[101-New Updates in TallyPrime Release 5]

Now, you can restart the filing process.

However, if the changes have to be made on the GST portal, then you have to reupload GSTR-1 and then file the returns.

See also  Download Directly GSTR-1 from TallyPrime 5 for Reconciliation
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