Alter Pre-defined ‘Sale’ Voucher Types using TallyPrime 4

Sales Invoice (F8)

When goods / services are sold, a document detailing the transaction (item name, tax, etc) has to be given to the buyer or debtor as proof of purchase by him. This document is called Sale Invoice or Sale Bill or Cash Memo. TallyPrime has facility to generate invoices according to the business requirements.

Even if you do not need extra voucher types, you would normally alter the predefined voucher types to customize them according to your needs, e.g., to control their numbers.

Gateway of Tally > Chart of Accounts > type or select Voucher Type.

Alternatively, Gateway of Tally > Alter >  Voucher Type.

The screen appears as shown below:

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Select one of the Pre-defined Voucher List to be Alter , say For Example – Sales


You can also create a New Voucher on the basis of Pre-defined Voucher types. But the screen features and settings are same.

This Alternation of Voucher is same for all Pre-defined Vouchers

The pre-defined Sales Voucher screen will be shown below :

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The Voucher Type creation screen is divided into three sections depending on various settings.

  • General
  • Printing
  • Voucher Class

1. ‘General’ Setting in Voucher Type

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Type of Voucher

The type of voucher should be any one of the predefined voucher types (already listed). The new voucher type would inherit the properties of this predefined voucher type. It would function exactly like the predefined voucher.

Abbr (Abbreviation)

An abbreviation is required particularly for unformatted reports, which do not use compressing techniques. (TallyPrime allows printing of both formatted and unformatted reports). Even if the Abbreviation is not specified, TallyPrime automatically sets a default name for the Voucher. In this example, Sale is the abbreviation. Though there is no restriction on the length of the abbreviation, it should preferably consist of five characters or less.

1.1.  Method of Voucher Numbering

TallyPrime provides you with Automatic, Automatic (Manual Override), Manual, and Multi-user Auto voucher numbering methods. You can select the method of voucher numbering from the voucher type creation/alteration screen. This feature empowers you to effortlessly implement and customize your voucher numbering approach according to your business requirements, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of your financial record-keeping.

This is, perhaps, one reason for your opting for a new voucher type. There are Five methods available: The Methods of Numbering list appears as shown below:

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(i)  Automatic

This method is flexible. If Automatic method is selected, then TallyPrime numbers the vouchers automatically.

You can select the Numbering behaviour on the insertion/deletion to Renumber Vouchers or Retain Original Voucher No. as required.

(ii) Automatic (Manual Override)

Select Automatic (Manual Override) if you want to auto-number the vouchers and manually override the auto-numbering, if required. For example, if the voucher number is 10, you can manually override the voucher number as required, say 21. The next voucher number will be 22.

Set Prevent Duplicated to Yes to avoid duplicate voucher numbers during entry. You can enable this option only if there are no transactions of this voucher type.

(iii) Manual

This method allows you to number the vouchers manually. It does not check for the sequence of the numbers and permits you to specify anything that you wish in the voucher number field. However, you may choose to prevent entry of duplicate numbers. If you would like to do so, then set Prevent Duplicates to Yes.

  1. Prevention of Duplicates is possible if you enable the option at the time of creation. You may enable it later (by alteration) only if there are no transactions of this voucher type.
  2. If you face difficulty due to existing transactions, just create another voucher type for preventing duplicates of subsequent voucher numbers.

(iv)  Multi-user Auto

Select this option to enable the allotment of subsequent voucher number in a multi-user environment when multiple users are working on the same company data and recording vouchers.

The Multi-User Voucher Numbering is an extension of the Automatic Numbering method. It hastens the process without errors. However, this is applicable only in voucher creation and does not apply in the case of insertion or deletion of vouchers.

(v)  None

This will disable numbering of such vouchers. If you select this method, no further information is required.

1.2. Configure in Method of Voucher Numbering for GST:

If the Method of Voucher Numbering is set to Automatic, then two additional fields are displayed…

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(i)                  Numbering behaviour on insertion/deletion:

You will see this option if you have selected Automatic or Multi-user Auto as the Method of Voucher Numbering. Generally, when you insert or delete a transaction, your existing voucher numbers might get affected. However, you now have the option to either retain the original voucher numbers or renumber the vouchers, as per your requirement.

(ii)                Set / Alter additional numbering details :

Setting this field to Yes, Voucher Type Creation (Secondary) screen is displayed.

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The figure shown in the below voucher for Credit Card Purchase which will be available under the Purchase Voucher.

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Number Scheme for different types of Vouchers :

You can generate different number series for different types of Voucher for identifying the voucher as monthly or by yearly. Example :

Voucher type Method Start Number Prefix Suffix






























(iii)              Show unused vch nos. in transactions for Retain Original Voucher No. behaviour: :

When you delete transactions or mark them as optional, then the corresponding voucher numbers might remain unused. This option will help you view such unused voucher numbers during voucher entry and reuse the numbers, as required.

This option will appear when you have set the numbering behaviour as Retain Original Voucher No..

Press Ctrl+A to save the details.

1.3.     A further discussion on these options is necessary.

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Use EFFECTIVE dates for Vouchers?

Select Yes if you want to enter effective dates for vouchers. You would opt for this option when you have recorded a transaction on a particular date, but the voucher comes into effect only on a future date. If the effective date is entered, the overdue/ageing will be considered from the effective date and not from the voucher date.

Allow zero-valued transactions

Set the option Allow zero-valued transactions to Yes if required. enabling this option will allow this voucher type to accept transaction without any value.

Make ‘Optional’ as Default

Setting this option to Yes, will set your Voucher to Optional Voucher by default. Refer to Optional Vouchers for further details.

Note:     For Memorandum and Reversing Journal voucher the option Make Optional as Default will not be shown.

Allow Narration in voucher ?

Select Yes to give a common narration for the entire voucher. TallyPrime vouchers can have multiple entries. Hence, you may wish to give a common narration for all the entries of the voucher. Select No, if you do not want a common narration.

Provide Narrations for each ledger in voucher  – Yes

Select Yes, if you want to give a separate narration for each entry of a voucher. This would be applicable for a multiple entry voucher where you want separate details for each entry. Select No if you do not want a separate narration for each entry.

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Note:     To get the Narration for each entry raise the sales in As Voucher and for Payment or Receipt vouchers, set Use Single Entry mode for Pymt/Rcpt/Contra to No in F12:Configurations.

For Delivery Note, Receipt Note, Sales Order, Purchase order, Physical Stock, Stock Journal, Rejection In and Rejection Out, the option Provide narrations for each ledger in voucher is not available.

1.4.  ‘Printing’ Setting in Voucher Type

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Print after saving voucher?

Select ‘Yes’ to print every voucher after entering it, else select ‘No’. This is suitable for an online environment where you use TallyPrime printed vouchers as the formal voucher. Remember, that the transaction is already recorded and posted and should you wish to make corrections to the printed voucher, you must alter the TallyPrime voucher online and print it again.

Note: If we select Receipt as  Type of Voucher the option Print Formal Receipt after saving will be displayed. Depending on the Type of Voucher you have selected to create or alter, different printing features appear in this field.

Use for POS (Point Of Sale) Invoicing

If you would like to use the sales invoice as POS invoice then set this option to Yes.

Default Print Title to Print in Invoice

If you would like to give the default print title for POS Invoice then specify the same. So when ever you print the POS Invoice this title will be printed.

Default Bank Account Details to Print in Invoice

Select the Bank Ledger from a list of created Bank Accounts Ledger which will display Bank Account details that given at the time of creation inside the Invoice .

Default Jurisdiction to Print in Invoice

Place of Jurisdiction in case of any legal matter has to be mention which will be print below the invoice.

Set / Alter Declaration to Print in Invoice

It this option is set to Yes, a Space will be shown to write any Declaration or Terms & Conditions to be printed inside the Invoice . (This is default declaration by the Tally)

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1.5.  ‘Name of Class’ Setting in Voucher Type

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Refer Para : 2. ( as below)

2. Voucher Classes for Sale Voucher

Voucher Classes is the best way of Automating Allocations during Invoice Entry. It is a table for predefining the entries that we wish to Automate to make Invoice Creation a breezy task. This particularly useful for Sales Invoicing where we can define once, the nominal ledger account to be credited to each item of sale. Then during voucher entry, the accounting credits for items sold are done automatically.

Classes can also be used to automate the rounding off values. Rounding method can be preset when defining a class for a single line or for the entire Voucher or Invoice.

Voucher Classes are available for all major voucher types like Contra, Payment, Receipt, Journal, Sales, Credit Note, Purchases, Debit Note, Sales Order, Purchase Order, Delivery Note,  and Stock Journal.

Here we have to create a Voucher Class with a name ‘GST’ in case of Sale Voucher where we will fix the Sale Account (Sale-GST/IGST), GST Ledger i.e. CGST & SGST, Automated Rounding Off with assigning a Ledger i.e. Rounded off Exp. Ledger.

Example :

Swayam Sales sold the following items to Chitra & Co. on Credit

Item Qty Rate Value CGST SGST Total Value
Desktop HCL Infinity 2 13,500 27,000 9% 9% 31,860
Desktop Lenovo K200 1 47,560 47,560 9% 9% 56,120.80
Gross Total 87,980.80

Note : Alter Voucher Type – ‘Sale’ with Voucher Class – GST. Record the Sales transactions using the corresponding Voucher Classes i.e. GST.

Solutions :

Step 1 :

Alter the Sales Voucher Type

1.    Gateway of TallyAlter > Voucher Type.

Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select Alter Master > Voucher Type.

2.   Select Sale Voucher

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3.   Retain the rest of the fields as they are.

4.   In the Voucher Type alternation screen, write ‘GST’ in the Name of Class field.

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Ensure that voucher type class is defined as shown in figure.

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  1. Since Sale can be made under 3 types…Cash, Bank & Credit Sales, So under Include Groups section select only Bank Accounts, Cash-in-hand, Sundry Debtor Groups only.
  2. Select the Sale Ledger (I.e. Sale-GST/IGST)  to be credited by default of all invoice value. So Selection of Ledger is not required at the time of Sale Voucher entry.
  3. In third section, select local CGST , SGST Ledger with ledger Rounded off(+/-) for auto Rounding as per Type of Calculation selected in figure above.
  4. You can also select IGST ledger for Outside State sale in third section instead CGST & SGST and given the image in last.

Step 2 :

Make an entry of the transaction in a Sales Voucher – Voucher Class GST

Gateway of Tally > Vouchers > press F8 (Sale).

Alternatively, Alt+G (Go To) > Create Voucher > press F8 (Sale)

Select ‘GST’ under Voucher Class List

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Ensure that the Sales Invoice entries are as given in the Figure and accept the Sales Invoice Entries.:

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Note :

  1. In this case, No Sale Ledger, No GST Ledger, No Rounded Off Ledger has to be select at the time of Sale Voucher Entry.
  2. The Rounded Off (+/-) Expenses Ledger should not be linked with GST Applicable at the time of creation.

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Similarly, you can create a another Voucher Class – IGST ( for Outside State Sale) in Sale Voucher as shown in figure :

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See also  Cancel IRN/e-Invoice in TallyPrime Online
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