How to Download and Install TallyPrime 4 and Higher Edit Log

The process of downloading and installing TallyPrime Edit Log is similar to that for TallyPrime.

  1. Download the setup file of TallyPrime-3 Edit Log.
  2. Go to
  3. Click Download.

The exe will get downloaded in the Downloads folder.

You can copy and paste it to any folder, if needed.

  1. Install TallyPrime-3 Edit Log
  2. Double-click setup.exe.

TallyPrime Edit Log’s setup.exe can be identified easily as it has the text EL.

  1. Double-click Install New.

  1. Configure Application Path, if needed.
  2. By default, the application will be installed at C:ProgramFiles\TallyPrimeEditLog.
  3. Click Configure.
  4. Double-click Application Path.

  • Click and change the path, as needed.

Note: If you are already using TallyPrime, then it is recommended that you install TallyPrime Edit Log in a different folder. This will allow you to use both the products simultaneously, if needed.

  1. Close the List of Configurations
  2. Click Install.

The application gets installed, and the following window opens.

4.       Click Start TallyPrime Edit Log to launch TallyPrime Edit Log.

See also  Re-Order Levels of Stock Items using TallyPrime 4
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