Inventory Voucher in TallyPrime 5

Physical Stock Voucher is used for recording the actual stock which is verified or counted.  It could happen that the Book Stocks and the Physical Stock do not match. It is not unusual that the company finds a discrepancy between actual stock and computer stock figure.

1.   Gateway of TallyVouchers > press Ctrl+F7 (Physical Stock).

Alternatively, Alt+G (Go To) > Create Voucher > press Ctrl+F7 (Physical Stock).

[211-Inventory Management using TallyPrime-4]

2.   Enter the stock taking date.

3.   Select the name of the item from the List of items , for which physical stocks need to be recorded.

4.   Select the Godown (Godown will appear only if, Maintain multiple Godowns is activated  in F11:Features F2:Inventory Features ), in which the Physical Stock taking was conducted.

5.   Select the Batch number (Batch details will appear only if, Batch wise details are activated in the Stock Item Master screen) for which the Physical Stock quantity is to be recorded.

6.   Enter the Physical Stock quantity.

Note: Physical Stock quantity will be displayed as Actual Stock in the Stock Summary from the date of entry of the Physical Stock.

2. Stock Journal Voucher (Alt+F7)

Stock journal is a journal in which all types of stock adjustments are entered.

The stock adjustment may be due to the following reasons:

Inter-Godown Transfer

This is useful to transfer the goods from one location to another. The quantity of Stock remains the same, but the Location changes.

Additional Cost/Expenses involved in the Transfer of goods.:

You can also account the additional cost incurred in connection of transfer of materials from one location to another.

Accounting for Wastage of stock or shortage of stock:

There may be a shortage or wastage of stock items, the quantity may have got changes. In such cases, you have to enter a stock journal to account for the increase or decrease in the Stock Item.

See also  Voucher Classes for Sale Voucher in TallyPrime 5

Manufacturing Process

If you are involved in the manufacturing process in which raw materials are consumed and finished goods are produced, then you can create a manufacturing Journal Voucher also.

To view the Stock Journal Voucher:

  1.   Gateway of TallyVouchers > press Alt+F7 (Stock Journal).

Alternatively, Alt+G (Go To) > Create Voucher > press Alt+F7 (Stock Journal).

2.   If you want to change the voucher date, press F2.

3.   In the Source (Consumption) section, select the item and the location from where you to transfer the goods.

4.   Specify the Quantity. The Rate and Amount field gets prefilled if you have specified it for the goods selected.

5.   In the Destination (Production) section, select the item and the location to where the goods should be sent.

6.   Provide Narration, if any, and accept the voucher. As always, you can use Ctrl+A to accept.

Example :

Business transfer its stock ‘Desktop Lenovo K200’ 10 Nos. from BALASORE Godown to BHUBANESWAR Godown with a additional Packing Expenses of Rs. 1,000

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Shows the transfer of 10 Pcs of ‘Desktop Lenovo K200’ from BALASORE godown to BHUBANESWAR godown with additional expenses towards Packing Expenses of Rs.1000 ( as explained below).

2.1. Additional Cost on Purchase in Stock Journal :

When there are some Additional Cost/Expenses incurred, then you can account the same in the Stock Journal.

After mentioning the quantity, rate and amount under Destination (Production), the ‘Additional Cost Details’ screen will be displayed. Enter the additional cost/expense incurred.

[213-Inventory Management using TallyPrime-4]

Note :

See also  Ledger to Round-off the Invoice Value Automatically in Sale Invoice in TallyPrime 5

If you do not see the Additional Cost Details screen:

a.   Press Alt+G (Go To) > Alter Master > select Voucher Type > Stock Journal.

b.   Set Track Additional Costs for Purchases to Yes.

[214-Inventory Management using TallyPrime-4]

3. Rejection In Voucher

This voucher is used to record goods received back from a customer after rejection. This Inventory voucher does not affect Accounting which affect inventory of the business only.

Example: Swayam Sales takes back the following items rejected by a customer Lexsite Pvt. Ltd. which was issued through Delivery Note.

Printer Epson Lq 1024       1 Nos.       Rs. 21875

Solutions :

To view the Rejections In Voucher

  1. Gateway of TallyVouchers > F10 (Other Vouchers) > type or select Rejections In.

Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create VoucherF10 (Other Vouchers) > type or select Rejections In.

In case the voucher is inactive, you will be prompted to activate the Rejections In voucher type. Select Yes or press Y to proceed.

[215-Inventory Management using TallyPrime-4]

2.   Provide the party details.

  • Under Ledger Account, select the party’s name from whom the goods have been returned.
  • The party’s name appears under Customer’s Name and Addresswith the address entered in the ledger master.

3.   Provide the stock item details.

  • Select the stock item. In the Item Allocationsscreen, if you had recorded a delivery note with tracking number, the same will appear. You can select the relevant tracking number.
  • Enter the Quantityand Rate.

The Rejection In Voucher of the above example transaction will be as below :

[216-Inventory Management using TallyPrime-4]

4.   Accept the voucher. As always, you can press Ctrl+Ato save.

See also  Additional Cost of Purchase on Stock Items in TallyPrime 4

The stock will increase to the extent of quantity entered in the rejections in voucher.

4. Rejection Out Voucher

This voucher is used to record goods returned back that were rejected by the company. For example, the company returns back those items that were rejected by a vendor.

Example:             Swayam Sales Reject the following items received against Material Receipt Note from the supplier ACER India Ltd.

Laptop ACER 4720Z       1 Nos.         Rs. 32500

Solutions :          

To view the Rejections Out Voucher

1.   Gateway of TallyVouchers > F10 (Other Vouchers) > type or select Rejections Out.

Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create VoucherF10 (Other Vouchers) > type or select Rejections Out.

In case the voucher is inactive, you will be prompted to activate the Rejections In voucher type. Select Yes or press Y to proceed.

[217-Inventory Management using TallyPrime-4]

2.   Provide the party details.

  • Under Ledger Account, select the party’s name from whom the goods have been returned.
  • The party’s name appears under Customer’s Name and Addresswith the address entered in the ledger master.

3.   Provide the stock item details.

  • Select the stock item. In the Item Allocationsscreen, if you had recorded a delivery note with tracking number, the same will appear. You can select the relevant tracking number.
  • Enter the Quantityand Rate.

The Rejection Out Voucher of the above example transaction will be as below :

[218-Inventory Management using TallyPrime-4]

4.   Accept the voucher. As always, you can press Ctrl+Ato save.

The stock will decrease to the extent of quantity entered in the rejections out voucher.

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