Sales Process of Goods and Services-TallyPrime-3 and Higher

Sale Voucher with Item Invoice for GST Compliance in TallyPrime 5

TallyPrime provides you with the option to record sales of goods and services in different modes. While recording for the sale of goods, you can record such a sale using Item Invoice mode. In Item Invoice mode, you can provide an item, quantity, and rate details as per example given below.

Pass a Sales Invoice against sale of Items to Debtor Chitra & Co. :

  1. Gateway of TallyVouchers > press F8 (Sale).

Alternatively, Alt+G (Go To) > Create Voucher > press F8 (Sale)

  1. Press Ctrl+H(Change Mode) to select the required voucher mode (Item Invoice, in this case)

[43-Sales Process in TallyPrime-3 & Higher]

Transactions : Sold the following Goods to Chitra & Co. (within state customer) on Credit on 01/04/2023

Name of Product Qty. Rate Value GST
Desktop HCL Infinity 1 Nos. 30,000 30,000 (GST-18%)
Desktop Lenovo K200 (GST-18%) 1 Nos. 45,000 45,000 (GST-18%)

[44-Sales Process in TallyPrime-3 & Higher]

  1. Specify the buyer details.
  1. Party A/c name: Select Cashor Bank for cash sales and the party name for credit sales, and press Enter.
    You can create the Party A/c on the fly by pressing Alt+C.
    The Dispatch Details screen appears.
  2. Dispatch Details: Enter the Dispatch Details, as needed and press Enter.
    You can choose to enable the options for Order Detailsby pressing F12 (Configure).
    The Party Details screen appears.
  3. Party Details: You can update the buyer details while recording the transaction and print the same in the invoice.
    The Place of Supplyfield is prefilled with the party ledger state. You consider a sale as a local sale under GST if the buyer is from the same state as your company state.
See also  FAQ – Sales Process in TallyPrime 5

[44-A-Sales Process in TallyPrime-3 & Higher]

d.  As always, you can press Ctrl+Ato save and proceed.

3.   In the Sales ledger, select the common sales ledger.
Ensure that GST applicabilityis set to Applicable and that no GST rate is defined.

4.   Enter stock item details.

    1. Name of Item: Select the stock item.
      For GST to be calculated in the voucher, ensure that the stock item is configured with the correct GST Rate.
    2. Specify Quantityand Rate.
      In case you do not see the required item in the list, you can create the stock item on the fly by pressing Alt+C.

5.   Select the tax ledgers CGSTand SGST for local sales.
GST is calculated based on the tax rates defined in the stock item ledger.

6.   To view the Tax Analysis, press Ctrl+O(Related Reports) > GST Tax Analysis. Press Alt+F5 (Detailed) to view the detailed breakup of the tax.

[44-B-Sales Process in TallyPrime-3 & Higher]

  1. Provide Narration, if needed, and press Ctrl+Ato save the sales voucher.
  2. Print the invoice
    1. In the sales voucher, press Ctrl+P.
      Alternatively, press Alt+P (Print) > Current.
    2. In the Print screen, press (Configure) to configure the print options for your invoice, if needed.
      • To change the printer, (Configure) > press F6 (Printer) > select a printer from the List of Printers > and press Enter.
      • To print multiple copies of the invoice, press F5 (No. of Copies) and press Enter. You can also select the Type of Copy (for example, Original, Duplicate, or Triplicate, as needed).
      • To view the GST breakup of each item, go to C (Configure) > set Show Item-wise GST details as Yes.
See also  Ledger to Round-off the Invoice Value Automatically in Sale Invoice (TallyPrime 5)

[44-C-Sales Process in TallyPrime-3 & Higher]

[44-D-Sales Process in TallyPrime-3 & Higher]

c.   Press (Preview) to check the invoice before printing if needed.

d.   Press (Print) to print the invoice.

You have recorded a sales voucher in Item Invoice mode and printed it.

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